Peace Gardens & Market Hall 2016

Peace Gardens and Market Hall programme of dance, music and song from local groups
Saturday: 11am-4pm
A great new space in the heart of Holmfirth- a beautiful little park, perfect for outdoor performance (it’s the one opposite Holmfirth Mills and just along from Longley’s Ice Cream Parlour). We have put together a rolling programme throughout the day of local groups and performers. And as the sun is going to shine this year, you can enjoy the performances while you indulge in one of Longley Farm’s wonderful ice-creams!
These are some of the groups performing and what they say about themselves:
Holme and Dry Shanty Singers: We are a group of singers and musicians who all live in or near the Holme valley and love to sing shanties. This must put us in the running for being Holmfirth's unique land-locked shanty crew. Our main aim is to have fun and to take our music out to the public. We made one of our first appearances at the festival last year and have been practising ever since.
Les Musicians d'Upperthong: Once a month for the past two years a group of people have met in Holmbridge village hall to play and dance to traditional French dance music. We mainly play for our own entertainment, but occasionally venture out to other venues and have hosted a successful day of dance and music. We are looking forward to participating in
the festival, and if there is space for a dance, then even better.
Hope Bank Café Orchestra: We are an eclectic group of musicians from varying backgrounds playing an even more eclectic range of music from Schostokovitch to Delilah! 2 Accordions, 6 or so Concertinas, 4 banjos, Mandolin and Double Bass we entertain audiences at concerts, festivals, fetes and in pubs. We play pieces specially arranged by Simon Wood and are based down at Hope Banks Community Centre in Honley. We meet
on a Saturday morning during term time and welcome new players young and old! Enquiries tel: Simon Wood on 07973 426939
Singing For Fun plan to ‘Sing for Fun’ at Holmfirth Festival. We meet on Wednesdays 7:30-9pm @ Hot Banana Music and literally Sing For Fun! A relaxed friendly & informal group, no experience necessary or need to read music, so come find your singing voice and enjoy the sound of voices in harmony! <; 01484 767535
Hot Banana Ukuleles – At Hot Banana Music we offer ukulele lessons and groups for all abilities and ages, from the Beatles to ‘Anarchy in the Ukulele!’ Who knows who or what we will play, come along and join us on the day!? If you are interested in learning to play a ukulele or want to join one of our groups contact us:; 01484 767535 or come along to our shop at Norridge Bottom.
Holme Valley Music Centre Adult African Drummers
We are part of Kirklees Music School and get together at 9am on Saturdays to bash out world rhythms! We have performed in various venues over the years including Huddersfield Town Hall and have won a class in the Mrs Sunderland festival over the 4 years we entered. If you fancy joining us then the group is always looking for new members and no previous experience is needed. So get down with the djembes and groove to the end!
The Sportsman Buskers
Whoever turns up! An eclectic group of musicians and singers who go along to a regular folk night at the Sportsman in Huddersfield.